기본적으로 APM 설치가 되어있어야 한다.
APM yum 설치하기
1. 준비사항
2. snmp 설치
1) snmp 설치
[root@nell /]# yum install net-snmp*
2) /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf 설정
# First, map the community name "public" into a "security name"
# sec.name source community
#com2sec notConfigUser default public
com2sec fserver community
# sec.name source community
#com2sec notConfigUser default public
com2sec fserver community
# Second, map the security name into a group name:
# groupName securityModel securityName
#group notConfigGroup v1 notConfigUser
#group notConfigGroup v2c notConfigUser
group fgroup v1 fserver
group fgroup v2c fserver
# groupName securityModel securityName
#group notConfigGroup v1 notConfigUser
#group notConfigGroup v2c notConfigUser
group fgroup v1 fserver
group fgroup v2c fserver
# Third, create a view for us to let the group have rights to:
# Make at least snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public system fast again.
# name incl/excl subtree mask(optional)
#view systemview included .
#view systemview included .
view all included .1
# Make at least snmpwalk -v 1 localhost -c public system fast again.
# name incl/excl subtree mask(optional)
#view systemview included .
#view systemview included .
view all included .1
# Finally, grant the group read-only access to the systemview view.
# group context sec.model sec.level prefix read write notif
#access notConfigGroup "" any noauth exact systemview none none
access fgroup "" any noauth exact all none none
# group context sec.model sec.level prefix read write notif
#access notConfigGroup "" any noauth exact systemview none none
access fgroup "" any noauth exact all none none
3) snmp 데몬 실행
/etc/init.d/snmpd start
3. MRTG 설치
[root@nell /]# cd /usr/src
[root@nell /]# wget http://oss.oetiker.ch/mrtg/pub/mrtg-2.17.4.tar.gz
[root@nell /]# tar xvfz mrtg-2.17.4.tar.gz
[root@nell /]# cd mrtg-2.17.4
[root@nell /]# ./configure –with-gd=/usr/local/gd –with-z=/usr/local/zlib –with-png=/usr/local/libpng
[root@nell /]# make
[root@nell /]# make install
4. MRTG 웹 설정
1) 웹설정 (<Directory> 설정)
[root@nell /]# adduser mrtg
[root@nell /]# mkdir /home/mrtg/public_html
[root@nell /]# mkdir /home/mrtg/public_html/localhost
[root@nell /]# mkdir /home/mrtg/conf
[root@nell /]# chmod 755 /home/mrtg
[root@nell /]# chown mrtg.mrtg /home/mrtg
[root@nell /]# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
~ 중략 ~
<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
# UserDir disabled
UserDir public_html
<Directory /home/*/public_html>
~ 중략 ~
2) cfgmaker
(모니터링할 대상항목의 Config 파일을 생성하는 작업 )
[root@nell /]# cd /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin
[root@nell /]# ./cfgmaker –global 'WorkDir: /home/mrtg/public_html/localhost' –global 'Options[_]: bits,growright' –output /home/mrtg/conf/localhost.cfg community@
3) 모니터링 Config 수정
(/home/mrtg/conf/localhost.cfg 하단부에 추가 합니다.)
### CPU Load Average ###
Target[cpu]: .
MaxBytes[cpu]: 2000
#Unscaled[cpu]: dwmy
Options[cpu]: integer, gauge,withzeroes, growright, noinfo, nopercent
YLegend[cpu]: CPU Load Average
ShortLegend[cpu]: (%)
LegendI[cpu]: Aver 1/minite
LegendO[cpu]: Aver 5/min
Legend1[cpu]: Aver 1/minite
Legend2[cpu]: Aver 5/min
Title[cpu]: CPU Load
PageTop[cpu]: </p><h1>CPU Load Average</h1>
Target[cpu]: .
MaxBytes[cpu]: 2000
#Unscaled[cpu]: dwmy
Options[cpu]: integer, gauge,withzeroes, growright, noinfo, nopercent
YLegend[cpu]: CPU Load Average
ShortLegend[cpu]: (%)
LegendI[cpu]: Aver 1/minite
LegendO[cpu]: Aver 5/min
Legend1[cpu]: Aver 1/minite
Legend2[cpu]: Aver 5/min
Title[cpu]: CPU Load
PageTop[cpu]: </p><h1>CPU Load Average</h1>
### Rate of CPU use ###
Target[cpu_use]: .
MaxBytes[cpu_use]: 100
Options[cpu_use]: growright, noinfo, nopercent
YLegend[cpu_use]: CPU usage(%)
ShortLegend[cpu_use]: (%)
LegendI[cpu_use]: User
LegendO[cpu_use]: System
Legend1[cpu_use]: CPU usage(User)(%)
Legend2[cpu_use]: CPU usage(System)(%)
Title[cpu_use]: Rate of CPU use
PageTop[cpu_use]: <h1>Rate of CPU use</h1>
Target[cpu_use]: .
MaxBytes[cpu_use]: 100
Options[cpu_use]: growright, noinfo, nopercent
YLegend[cpu_use]: CPU usage(%)
ShortLegend[cpu_use]: (%)
LegendI[cpu_use]: User
LegendO[cpu_use]: System
Legend1[cpu_use]: CPU usage(User)(%)
Legend2[cpu_use]: CPU usage(System)(%)
Title[cpu_use]: Rate of CPU use
PageTop[cpu_use]: <h1>Rate of CPU use</h1>
### Memory Free ###
Target[mem]: .
MaxBytes1[mem]: 7513968
MaxBytes2[mem]: 7513968
Unscaled[mem]: dwmy
Options[mem]: gauge, growright, noinfo
YLegend[mem]: Mem Free(Bytes)
ShortLegend[mem]: Bytes
kilo[mem]: 1024
kMG[mem]: k,M,G,T,P
LegendI[mem]: Real
LegendO[mem]: Swap
Legend1[mem]: RAM [MBytes]
Legend2[mem]: Swap Memory [MBytes]
Title[mem]: Memory Free
PageTop[mem]: <h1>Memory Free</h1>
Target[mem]: .
MaxBytes1[mem]: 7513968
MaxBytes2[mem]: 7513968
Unscaled[mem]: dwmy
Options[mem]: gauge, growright, noinfo
YLegend[mem]: Mem Free(Bytes)
ShortLegend[mem]: Bytes
kilo[mem]: 1024
kMG[mem]: k,M,G,T,P
LegendI[mem]: Real
LegendO[mem]: Swap
Legend1[mem]: RAM [MBytes]
Legend2[mem]: Swap Memory [MBytes]
Title[mem]: Memory Free
PageTop[mem]: <h1>Memory Free</h1>
4) indexmaker 및 mrtg 쿼리
[root@nell /]# cd /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin
[root@nell /]# ./indexmaker –title "Localhost" /home/mrtg/conf/localhost.cfg > /home/mrtg/public_html/localhost/index.html
[root@nell /]# env LANG=C /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg /home/mrtg/conf/localhost.cfg
5. 웹사이트 및 crontab 적용
1) 리다이렉션 페이지 생성
[root@nell /]# cat > /home/mrtg/public_hml/index.html
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=./localhost/index.html">
2) 모니터링 스크립트 작성 및 crontab 등록
[root@nell /]# cat > /script/mrtg.sh
env LANG=C /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/mrtg /home/mrtg/conf/localhost.cfg
[root@nell /]# crontab -e
*/1 * * * * /scripts/mrtg.sh
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